What is a Charlotte lease purchase and what benefit is it to me? Hmmm? A lease purchase is actually two contract that are legally linked. There is a lease agreement drawn by an attorney and this is accompanied with an Offer to Purchase. You make an offer to purchase the home, place your earnest money deposit, rent the home for a specified time period and then purchase the home.
This permits the buyer time to get established in Charlotte and still have a home. This assures you do not move your family twice and your children remain in the desired neighborhood and the desired schools.
The new credit rules are making this a feasible option for many sellers. A Lease Option helps a buyers' family while removing the burden of a second mortgage, utilities and maintenance of the second home.
Call me for more information and to assure you are protected no matter which side you are on. Yes, if done incorrectly, there are dangers for both the buyer and seller. Visit Charlotte Homes for Sale to learn more about the greater Charlotte Real Estate region!